MGRC Recent News

The Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA) is currently conducting a study concerning fair housing on July 27th.

MGRC Recent News

community housingThe Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA) is currently conducting a study concerning fair housing. Known as the "Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice" (AI), the study is required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as a condition for receiving federal housing and community development funds.


As part of this process we are holding a series of outreach group meetings to afford the public ample opportunity to offer their perspectives, commentary, and experiences with fair housing in the state.

Please plan to attend this event.


July 27 at 9:00a.m.
Buck Melton Community Center 150 Sessions Drive, Macon, Georgia

If there are any special accommodations required or general questions,
please contact Antonette Sewell at 404-679-5291.
We look forward to your participation.

community housing