The Middle Georgia Regional Commission (MGRC) provides web development and maintenance to our member local governments and partner agencies.  We have been providing website services since 1995.

There are 2 phases for creating a new website:
1) Development, which includes Assessment and Development
2) Maintenance and Support

For more information on the Middle Georgia Regional Commission’s website services, please contact Michelle Grembowski.  We would be happy to meet with you to discuss your organization’s current and future website needs.


We will meet with the client to discuss your existing web presence and your organization’s visio.  Questions that help with this phase may include:

  • What is the primary purpose of your website? 
  • What is the primary audience for the website?  
  • What features and functionality would you like incorporated?
  • What other websites do you like? What do you like about them?

After the visual direction is set, the MGRC will begin “build-out” of the site based on content provided or prescribed by the client.  This includes acquisition of high-resolution digital photos for use on your site. Based on the assessment information gathered, the MGRC will develop an initial design concept for approval by the client.  Once approved, this will serve as the visual direction for the site. Once content is substantially complete, the MGRC will conduct a training for client designee(s) on the management of site content using the Content Management System (CMS).  Client designee will provide final content updates as practice and in anticipation of the site’s release or “Go Live” date.


After the assessment, we will begin development by creating a layout for your website.  This includes acquiring digital phots to use on your website.  Based on the assessment gatherer, MGRC will developm an inital design concept for approval.  Once approved, we’ll provide a development website for your review and feedback.  Once all the updates/changes have been made, we will schedule a deployment date and train staff on how to update the website content (if desired).

Key Development Service Features:

  • Web Hosting
  • Responsive Design For All Devices
  • Content Management System (CMS)
  • Graphically Rich Layout
  • Hi-Resolution Photo Generation
  • Image Optimization
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Analytics & Reporting
  • Forms Design/Fillable-Forms/Online Forms
  • Graphic Design & Printing Services

After your site goes “Live,” we will be here to provide support you and your staff may need.  We can be your “One-Stop-Shop” for all things related to your website.  On your behalf, we will coordinate all website services (i.e. domain registration/renewal, web-hosting registration/renewal, security, etc.).

Key Maintenance Service Features

  • Unlimited User CMS Training
  • Local and Cloud Backups
  • Domain Renewal
  • Hosting Renewal
  • Security Updates
  • Software Updates
  • Minor Layout Changes
  • Analytics & Reporting
  • Technical Support

Our basic, on-going maintenance agreement includes an annual rate and a complimentary site redesign approximately every five years to help keep your site fresh and dynamic.  This complimentary redesign will your website to continuely change.

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