About Comprehensive Planning

The State of Georgia requires each local government to have a comprehensive plan (i.e. comp plan), which outlines their vision and goals for the next twenty years. This plan is reviewed and updated every five years, along with a more detailed Community Work Program that highlights specific projects to be undertaken within a five-year period. Some communities may have additional planning requirements based on their characteristics. The guidelines for local comprehensive planning are issued by the Georgia Department of Community Affairs. Click HERE to view these guidelines. The State of Georgia also provides detailed planning resources on their website.

The Middle Georgia Regional Commission is available to assist with a variety of needs related to comprehensive planning, including plan development, assessment of plan implementation, and direct plan implementation assistance. Basic comp plan development services are covered at no charge under the MGRC contract with the Department of Community Affairs. Please contact the Public Administration department for more information. MGRC is also available to assist in specialized planning efforts related to a specific topic within the comp plan.

Local plans tie closely to other planning efforts throughout the region, most notably the Middle Georgia Regional Plan. Economic development components of each local plan are also closely related to the CEDS.

Comprehensive Plans Under Development

The Middle Georgia Regional Commission is currently assisting several communities with development of their comprehensive plans. These plans will be adopted between December 2021 and June 2023.

View Current Comprehensive Plans