MGRC Recent News

Macon-Bibb WIA Local Plan Draft Released for Public Comment

MGRC Recent News

The Macon-Bibb County Workforce Investment Board is releasing a revised draft of its 2013-2018 Comprehensive Plan for public comment.  The original draft was published for public comment and after the comment period ended it was submitted to the the Georgia Department of Economic Development on May 1, 2014.  Upon review of the draft plan, they requested additional revisions which have been made.  The plan is being re-released for an additional 30-day period of public comment.  You may view/download the draft document below.  Revisions to the draft plan have been highlighted in yellow in the document.  Upon review, please feel free to provide your comments using the form below.

Macon-Bibb WIA 2013-2018 Comprehensive Plan  [button link=”http://” color=”default” size=”small” target=”_blank” title=”View/Download” gradient_colors=”,” gradient_hover_colors=”,” border_width=”1px” border_color=”” text_color=”” shadow=”yes” animation_type=”0″ animation_direction=”down” animation_speed=”0.1″]View/Download[/button] [wd_contact_form id=”10″]