MGRC Recent News

More Updated Websites in Middle Georgia

MGRC Recent News

Over the past six months, the Middle Georgia Regional Commission (MGRC) has continued to develop and deploy new and updated websites for its member local governments and partner agencies.  "This important service area has seen tremendous growth for us over the past year, said Nick Kouloungis, Director of Technology Services, "and we are glad for the opportunity to assist our communities and extremely proud of the websites produced."  Since October 2014, the Technology Services Department has deployed websites for the following agencies:

These websites are designed to support customer service and citizen engagement priorities of each agency and include unique features and functionality to create an engaging user experience.  All websites designed by the MGRC are "responsive," which means that they adapt automatically to the device you are using (i.e. mobile, tablet, desktop) to ensure an intuitive, user-friendly reading and navigation experience.  A number of new websites are currently under development and we look forward to their release in the coming weeks and months.

For more information on web development services provided by the Middle Georgia Regional Commission, please contact Nick Kouloungis, Director of Technology Services at (478) 751-6160 or